About Germantown High School
W180N11501 River Lane
Germantown, WI 53022
Grades: 9–12
Enrollment: approximately 1340
School Day: 7:10 am–2:33 pm
Early Release: 7:10–10:30 am
Lunch Schedule
10:27–10:57 am — First Lunch
11:21–11:51 am — Second Lunch
Lunch is not served on early release days
Chromebook/Tech Support: 262-502-7170
Pupil Transportation
Go Riteway: 262-677-3282 or 414-344-7757
School Office
Phone: 262-253-3400
Fax: 262-253-3494
Office Hours: 7 am–3:15 pm
Attendance Line:
262-253-3411 or ghsattendance@gsdwi.org
Principal: David Smith
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Ball
Assistant Principal (A–L): Andrew Rooney
Assistant Principal (M–Z): Jon Fox
Administrative Assistant: Julie Restock
Dean of Students/ACP Coordinator: Alexzandra Fischer
School Resource Officer: Toni Olson
Health Room Aide: Kelsey Nowak
Activities Office
Phone: 262-502-7128
Fax: 262-253-3494
Office Hours: 8 am–3:30 pm
Activities Director: Sara Unertl
Administrative Assistant: Diana Heinz
Student Services
Phone: 262-502-7256
Fax: 262-253-3494
Elizabeth Mueller (A–F)
Caryn Hernandez (G–L)
Perry Benz (M–Sch)
Susan Bast (Sci–Z)
Social Worker: Stephanie Kaebisch, 262-502-7121
Administrative Assistant: Natalie Ruedinger
Registrar: Debi Benedict
Germantown High School Staff
Our team is here to support every student's journey to success. To view our staff directory, click here. Below you will find a few members of our high school administrative team. Please know we are here to help and be a resource to ensure every student thrives both academically and personally.

Andrew Rooney
Assistant Principal (A–L)

Jon Fox
Assistant Principal (M-Z)

Alexzandra Fischer
Dean of Students/ACP Coordinator

Sara Unertl
Activities Director

Toni Olson
Resource Officer
Quick Links
If you scroll to the top of this page and click the information button, you can access all areas of our website. In the meantime, we have included a few quick links you may find helpful.