Attendance & Absences

To report a student absence or late arrival, call 262-253-3411

Leaving School Early?
Before going to class, bring a signed note or student absence form to the main office to receive a pass. Notes should include the student’s full name, plus date and time leaving. Notes must be signed by the parent or guardian. 

Forgotten Note?
Email GHS Attendance: – we must have written permission in order to release a student early, and an email will suffice when a paper note is forgotten.

Going To Be Gone Longer?
For students who will be absent for three or more school days, a pre-arranged absence form must be signed by a parent/guardian and presented to the assistant principal/designee two days prior to a planned absence.

Appointment or Illness?
Signed medical notes are required when arriving late to school – otherwise, your child may be marked tardy. All medically-excused illnesses need to be cleared within 48 hours of the absence.

 Students who become ill during the school day should report to the health room. In the event that the student requests to leave
; a parent, legal guardian, or designee must excuse the student to ensure his/her health, safety, and welfare. Periods missed will be considered unexcused if a student fails to sign out at the main office.

Students who have reached the age of majority and have a completed parental release form (located in the parent Skyward portal) on file at the main office may sign out of school only if they have verified appointments. Without proper verification, all absences will be considered unexcused and truancy procedures will be utilized in response.

Notice An Error?
Parents/guardians who believe that their student’s attendance was erroneously marked as truant may contact the attendance officer at 262-253-3411. Parents/guardians are encouraged to check Skyward Family Access frequently to verify student attendance records.


In order to be eligible for student activities, a student must be in attendance at school for at least one half-day on the day of the activity. 

Students who miss four periods or more will not be allowed to participate. 

If any part of the student’s day is unexcused, the student will be prohibited from participating in any school activity or event.