KMS Daily Announcements & Trivia Link


Good Morning Crusaders! Happy Tuesday, We’re glad you’re here.  Today is a GOLD day.  

Today’s weather at noon: 19 degrees. 

Good luck to our volleyball teams as they host Slinger. 8th graders are in the gold gym and 7th graders are in the blue gym.

For the Times When We Have an After School Event:

 a. Students attending games will be in study hall first as we get out early and games will begin at 3:30 earliest.  Study hall location will change pending staff members who are working.

b. Cell phones will not be allowed while sitting in the stands.  They are to remain in student backpacks.  If a student needs to use their phone for calling / texting a parent, they will need to ask the event supervisor for permission - too many issues have occurred over cell phone use during games unfortunately.

c. Backpacks will be set in a grouping on the side of the bleachers - not with the students in the bleachers. 

d. All students attending without parents will sit in the "student section" of the bleachers with KMS supervisors.

e. Food and drink to be consumed during "study hall".

Shrek Jr Half, 7-12 is from 2:45 - 4:15 pm in the Choir room.

Homework Club is from 2:45 - 3:45 pm in the Library.

Forensics meets today from 2:45-3:45 pm in Mrs. Hillshafer's room G116.

Future City is today from 2:45 - 4:00 pm in Ms. Beresford’s room G119.

Join us at Science Club after school tomorrow! We meet in Ms. Schilling's room E-7 from 2:45-3:45. All are welcome!

Looking for something fun to do with your friends?  Germantown Youth Futures is hosting a dodgeball tournament just for KMS students on Friday, February 28th, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.  Get together a team of your friends and classmates to register.  Cost is only $5 per student.  Pick up a flyer from the counseling office to get all the details.

Lost and Found tables are getting full. Please make sure to check the tables by the Main Office on your way to lunch.

COLD WEATHER REMINDER - Dress appropriately for the weather. If you’d like to go outside for lunch recess, make sure that you have what you need to stay warm. This includes coats, hats, mittens and anything else you need to stay comfortable. You cannot have bare arms or legs when it is cold out. Bring all of these with you to lunch. You will not be permitted to go back to your locker. Watch the temperature and make sure that you are prepared!

Rules Reminder: HALLWAY BEHAVIOR When coming in from outside after lunch please respect the KMS way and be as quiet as you can in the halls.  There are classes going on at those times and we do not want to disturb the learning of others.  Thank you. 

Rules Reminder: Listen to your teachers and all KMS staff. Follow directions and follow the KMS Way!

KINDNESS - WHO YOU ARE Is far more important that what you have and it always will be. The kind of person you are can be measured by the way you make others feel. Remember The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words: Give others the same level of kindness that you would like to receive not because of their actions, but because of the person YOU want to be.

ACT Word of the Day is hypothetical - supposed; related to a hypothesis.  For my science homework, I must come up with a hypothetical situation.  

Today’s Crusader Trivia Question: Who said “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”?

Go onto our website to answer! The link will be right by the lunch count link.


Yesterday’s Trivia Answer: The first Groundhog Day was celebrated on Feb. 2, 1887, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Congratulations to Today’s Winners: Jenna Meyers (6th Grade) and Landon Polzean (6th Grade) Get a pass and come on down to the MAIN office for your prize!

Here at KMS, the K also stands for KIND.

Make it a great day, Crusaders. The choice is yours. 

LUNCH 2/4:

Crispy Breaded Chicken Drumstick w/ Dinner Roll & Mashed Potatoes & Chicken Gravy, Mini Corn Dogs w/ Straight Cut Seasoned Fries, French Bread Cheese Pizza w/ Straight Cut French Fries, Build-Your-Own Salad Bar w/ Dinner Roll or PB & J Box Lunch

Seasoned Green Beans, Fresh Garden Bar, Seasonal Fresh Fruit, and Milk