Dramatic Impact, the Germantown High School Drama program, has received 3 awards and 16 nominations for its recent production of PIPPIN, the musical. Em Foran, Germantown senior, won Outstanding Leading Performance in her role as the Leading Player. Director Daniel Ellis received the award for Outstanding Scenic Design for his concept as the Scenic Designer. Aimee Zarder-Krawczyk is this year's Spirit Award Winner.
The Jerry Awards, one of Wisconsin’s High School Musical Awards Programs, encourages, recognizes and honors excellence in high school musical theater. Educators and industry professionals review productions at more than 85 high schools in 30 counties around the state providing valuable feedback. The program elevates the importance of musical theater within high schools. School and student achievements are honored and featured in an awards show held at Overture Center in June and two outstanding performers are selected to represent the program at The National High School Musical Theater Awards (The Jimmys) competition in New York City.